Not Your Fight, But Still Your Problem

What with the hullabaloo about women winning Hugos, Trail of Lightning and the discussion around appropriation, and indeed, the advent of October and the costumed holidays celebrated throughout North America, it seems like the book world has been in a tizzy about respectful dialogue and celebration of ideas. There are literally thousands of articles on systemic … Continue reading Not Your Fight, But Still Your Problem

Kill Your Darlings – Not Like That, You Murderer!

You've heard the expression "you have to kill your darlings," right? I think there's a lot of confusion about which darlings and how much killing should be involved. Originally, the saying was meant to help remove "precious" scenes. Anything that doesn't contribute, is "so beautiful" but wordy etc. should be ruthlessly removed by the hopeful … Continue reading Kill Your Darlings – Not Like That, You Murderer!